Goal: Utilize strategies to increase family engagement and involvement in the literacy learning process of students.
Strategy 1: We will inform parents and families about the Title 1 program, services, student eligibility, and parent and family engagement plan in a variety of ways (website, Title 1 information meeting, Facebook, etc.).
Strategy 2: We will develop a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
Strategy 3: Involve parents in planning, implementing, and evaluating literacy activities by inviting parents to join the MTSS BSIP team and by sending surveys in a variety of ways to get feedback.
Strategy 4: Parent feedback obtained through surveys will be shared with Renner Staff so we can continue to work together as equal partners to meet the needs of students.
Strategy 5: Hold district level and building level events to help parents feel a part of the Renner team.
Strategy 6: Provide parents with information regarding their student’s progress in MTSS (quarterly reports, movement in tiers, reading goals) and what they can do at home to help their child make progress.
Strategy 7: Provide a Renner bookstore with donated books from Renner staff and families at the end of the school year to provide families with books to read over the summer.
Strategy 8: Create and share a Renner Reading Website with all parents with literacy ideas and interventions that can be done at home.